"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah , dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamu orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman"[Al-Imran:139]

Sunday, April 24, 2011



This is the real deal dude....

O Allah please be by my side and give me strengths to go throughout all the challenges in life~ Ameen

May Allah Bless~

Monday, April 18, 2011



Ni bukan la food blog pon...Bukan jalan-jalan cari makan jugak...Just like to share a place to eat that I went with along yesterday...We like to try new places to eat.. If the price is affordable la...heee

The last time we went to mid valley, me n along went to see the prices for the food at Ireland's Potato and it's quite affordable la for us to cuba-cuba...So Yesterday when we went to Mid-Valley for the career fair, we decide to have Potatos for our lunch...heee.. So we head to IRELAND'S POTATO...

The slogan for Ireland's Potato: “There are two things in the world that can’t be joked: 1) Marriage and 2) Potato”

urrrr...setuju ke????

nway....I ordered a combo set which has Special Cheese Fries, Onion Rings and also Ice Green Tea. Overall I love it....Suke the combination of the cheese with the fries... 
A piece of advise from me...kalau just sekadar nak cuba-cuba maybe this set could be shared untuk dua orang or more sebab it's POTATO plus plak dengan cheese..memang kenyang la....

WhatSoEva~ Worth Trying...=) Thank You Allah for the wonderful food...Alhamdulillah~

May Allah Bless~

Kalau dah suke....


Maaf la yer (konon-konon ad org baca la..heee)...blog agak terabai sikit setelah bergiat dengan hobi baru nih: felt crafting... There's nothing much to share pon...Nothing much been going on...Kalau ad yang berlaku pon sme konflik dalaman which are unexplainable. Apa yang pasti...I'm struggling inside...struggling dengan macam-macam benda..huh ~ Do pray for me k...Semoga Allah berikan kekuatan =)

Okay2...enough merepek and kembali ke pangkal jalan....

Just wanna share a lil bit about my new hobby...FELT CRAFTING... At the moment, I am totally into it.. sangat suke buat... Although I am not so good at it but I think I'm improving...Practice makes perfect kan...heee.....I just love doing it...Love to see hasilnya when it is done..Kalau hasilnya ok I will be smiling from ear to ear la...and kalau xjadi as expected pon I will still be smiling and try doing it again sampai jadi...SERONOK!!!=D

Because I was deeply in love with felt craft..most of my allowance goes to these stuff...............

Polyester felt~ I dont really like to use this type of felt to make keychain or HP charm sebab its kindda kasar so it wouldn't turn out gebu2 gitu...heee

Acrylic felt: This type of felt is much softer... Bought it from Art-Friend Shop at The Gardens also 10 pieces from PU3 Craft...

=( ... sedih sebab buttons dah tinggal sikit...huuu.. Semua buttons ni was bought from several places...ada yang offline n ada jugak yang online... Antaranya from Paper Gallery in Midvalley, Giffy in Wangsa WalkButton Planet

Ribbons~ Yang Belang-belang in 3 different colours tu was bought at Art-Friend Shop..Quite expensive la I think... And yang with the white dots tu from Giffy..

Gingham Ribbon From PU3 Craft

weee...sangat suke ribbons polka dots ini.... Beli di kedai barang-barang pengantin Taman Permata... Yang kecik tu Rm 1.00 for 1 Meter and yang besar tu was RM3.20 per meter.

Alat-alat Menjahit... Benang yang four colours kat luar tu was bought at Kedai pengantin in Taman Permata which was only RM0.90 each compared to the one that I almost bought at Art Friend shop which cost RM8.90 each (of course la material and quality nyer berbeza)

Gam UHU untuk lekat melekat

Suke sangat pen ni...Air Erasable Pen..Bought at Kedai SUS. Pen ni can be use on fabrics macam felt tu..then akan padam sendiri bila terdedah kepada udara...Someone yang sangat tak creative like me will find this pen really useful sebab boleh conteng-conteng kat felt tanpa ragu-ragu..heee

Split rings from Kedai SUS

HP Strap also from Giffy

Brooch juga from KEDAI SUS

Colorful Mata Gedik-gedik from Art-Friend Shop. Actually nak beli yang hitam semua...unfortunately dah habis kt ctu...huuu

Kapas bought at Art-Friend Shop

Itu je la kot...Dan hasilnyer: I'M BROKE...heee

There are also a few things that I wish I can have such as:

 many cute and fancy buttons and brads....

Picture source: KEDAI SUS

Gunting bermuncung: for a better curve 

Picture Source: Kedai SUS

Ribbons yang cantek and comel

Picture Source: KEDAI SUS

Eyelet Plier
Picture Source:KEDAI SUS

Hollow Punch
Picture Source: KEDAI SUS

and macam-macam lagi..........Tapi kena la sedar diri kan...Kerja pon belom lagi.. And I am not doing this for business so it might not be worth it to buy it.. kalau nak beli jugak I have to do some savings and plan well..heee

About making my felt craft into business...hmmm..for now may be not yet... Rasa diri belom cukup layak untuk compete with other crafters yang for sure jauh lagi hebat. Buat masa sekarang I just made it for people around me like family and friends.. At the same time keep practicing and improving...Who knows I might start selling my handmade craft kalau ada permintaan...heee..Doakan yang terbaik yer =)

For those yang rasa nak menceburkan diri dalam bidang felt craft ni silala....seronok tau... memang felt craft quite famous recently..tumbuh macam cendawan pas hujan... Also sekarang ramai yang suke gayakan felt brooch with scarf and shawl so bertambah-tambah la permintaan felt craft ni...And this felt boleh buat macam-macam...keychain, Hp charm, hair clips, hair bands, frame, card holder, pen-drive case, pencil case, for designing t-shirt and many more. 

From my point of view la...view dari seorang yang baru dalam bidang ni.. Jika anda rasa anda kaya and don't mind spending your money on these things...you could find these stuff at Art Shops... The things sold there usually much more expensive tapi sangat berkualiti and the design usually much better..So puas hati kot kalau beli kat kedai art...The disadvantage of Art shop is there are not much choices... Choice agak limited.. Kalau macam saya: seorang yang belom kaya (Semoga dimurahkan rezeki...hehe) I prefer to buy through on9....There are much more choices available sampai rambang mata tengok..hehehe... and the price lebih pelbagai...ada yang mahal ada yang murah...The disadvantage also you couldnt see the items bought until you received it.. so tak boleh tengok those item in real sebab it could be different from the actual... And kalau rajin try la jalan-jalan pegi kedai pengantin ke, kedai bunga ke kedai 2 ringgit ke.. You might find something interesting at a much cheaper price....

Oraite...Cukupla kot membebel about felt...hehe....Hasil-hasil tangan cik syud akan diupdate nanti...

WhatSoEva~ Semoga segala yang dilakukan diberkati dan tidak melekakan sehingga menjauhkan diri dari Allah..Nauzubillah...Dan Semoga segalanya dipermudahakn oleh Allah dan didekatkan dengan kebaikan....Doakan yang terbaik yer...for everything...Semoga yang terbaik disisi Allah adalah milik kita semua..Ameen

Lpe plak.....here are some blogs that I like to visit..utk jalan-jalan cuci mata and cari idea.....ada banyak..tapi ni antara nyer la..U guys check it out jugak la.....

Kedai SUS
Cutiey Felt
Jaja Craft
Button PLanet
Love buttons
KC Kawaii
KC Craft

Okay...till then...

p/s: tadi makan kat Ireland's Potato.. xrugi cuba...=)

May Allah Bless~

Monday, April 4, 2011

Watch your words....


Past few days...saya ada terbaca entry yang dipost oleh seorang rakan about perkataan yang digunakan oleh budak-budak sekarang. Umur baru je setahun jagung tapi MasyaAllah kita yang dah dua dekad setengah ni pon terkedu bila dengar the words they used. Swearing is like a normal thing among kids nowadays.

Kalau setakat B_b_, S_ _l, F_c_ , B_d_h , (fill in the blanks sendiri eh) dan yang sewaktu dengannya is normal to them. Masyarakat kita pon macam agak kurang sensitif about this issue. May be dah menjadi kebiasaan. Dah jadi tak pelik bila budak tadika pon dah start guna all those nasty words...Yang dewasa pon tak kurang jugak..tak menjadi contoh yang baik. Pantang naik angin sikit..macam-macam ayat yang tak elok yang keluar. What worse all those nasty words dah macam bahan lawak and words yang mesti ada dalam percakapan.

Yang sedih..most of them yang menuturkan semua kata-kata tu adalah Muslim. Bukan ke Islam dan Melayu cukup sinonim dengan sopan santun???Jadinya??? Mana hilang sopan santun tu???Hilang keindahan Islam tu bila perkataan yang tak baik digunakan.

Teringat talk yang disampaikan oleh Brother Idris Tawfiq during Khalifah Institue Charity Dinner. For your info, Bro Idris adalah saudara baru in Islam or known as Mualaf. Before embracing Islam he belonged to the Roman Catholic Religious order and was a Roman Catholic Priest.

Bro Idris ada ceritakan how he become interested in Islam. Bagaimana seorang yang sangat kuat agama Christiannya boleh tertarik dengan Islam. It was a boy who polished shoes by the street that greet him with Assalamualaikum.. That was a start for him to search deeper for Islam.

It shows how words play a really big role.

Every words used is a doa... Takkan kita nak doa yang tak baik kan.. Why not after this we try to change the words we used. Kalau macam rasa nak marah cbe istighfar banyak2...Itu lg menenangkan dari cursing and swearing. And cbe try hapuskan ayat-ayat yang kurang best in our daily conversations. Tak cool pon tau gne perkataan-perkataan yang tak best tu.....

Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah SWT serta hari Akhirat maka hendaklah dia berkata yang baik atau diam" (HR Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

WhatSoEva~ Jom tonjolkan keindahan Islam. Berkatalah yang benar serta baik dan menyenangkan. Semoga setiap kata-kata kita akan membawa kepada kebaikan..=)

May Allah Bless~

Friday, April 1, 2011



As everyone already know..recently we have been startled with a few disaster that happened in several countries in the world.

In February, there was a earthquake in Christchurch,New Zealand. Then a strong Tsunami has strikes one of the developed country: Japan and recently Myanmar was also struck by earthquake.

Media, artikel dan tak ketinggalan juga blog yang mengulas dan memberi pandangan masing-masing about this issue. Ada yang mengulasnya mengenai how this disaster happened.Iaitu dari segi teori geology dan teori-teori lain. there are also yang bincang about humanities dari segi bantuan-bantuan to the victims. Tak kurang juga yang mengaitkannya with environmental issues where it is seen as one of the effect from the global warming and climate change. Effects from the disaster was also discussed such as kesan radiasi, the economical effects etc. All these disasters turut menarik minat ramai to discuss it dari segi kerohanian such as tanda-tanda kiamat dan peringatan buat kita semua.

Bukan nak buat ulasan about the issue ok ..heee.. It just that doesn't matter from which way this issue is seen...banyak peringatan dan pengajaran that we could take. And may be we could also take some lesson dari ayat below:

"Telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan kerana perbuatan tangan manusia; Allah menghendaki agar mereka merasakan sebahagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar). " [Ar-Rum:41]

WhatSoEva~ Let us pray untuk keselamatan semua mangsa-mangsa bencana. Dan bersyukur to Allah kerana kita belom lagi diuji dengan ujian sebegitu and lets ambil pengajaran from it..Jom jaga alam kita jugak sebab kesannya adalah kepada kita juga....semoga kita semua tergolong dikalangan orang-orang yang berada di jalan yang benar~ =)

P/s; sila jaga alam okay!!!stop throwing sampah from tingkap kereta anda!!

May Allah Bless~