Assalamualaikum wbt
May Allah Bless~
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah , dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamu orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman"[Al-Imran:139]
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt...
May Allah bless~
There's so many things need to be done...
At this time I just wish I had a car and of course a driving skill
so that I could just get things done without depending too much on others...
this is so frustrating : (
WhatSoEva~ I need a good plan to get my research project done at the same time preparing for the day. May Allah make everything ease..
May Allah bless~
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The List
Assalamualaikum wbt
Tomorrow insyaAllah will be my last fight for this semester. Then, semester dua secara rasminya akan menutup tirai.. What a Semester la kan.. macamana kesudahannya, hanya Allah yang tahu. Usaha terakhir, hanya mampu berdoa dan berserah kepadaNya agar diberikan kesudahan yang terbaik. Ameen~
Despite rasa teruja untuk habiskan 2nd semester (sebab maksudnya there's one semester to go, insyaAllah) rasa nervous buat saya sentiasa tak keruan bila fikir that there's so many things I need and want to do during this 2 month holiday.
Warm-Up untuk Ramadhan
Segala preparations for the day (it really is a long list of things yg belum buat)
Main part of research (Harap dapat selesai before Ramadhan)
Belajar memasak dengan jayanya + Baking
Harus beranikan diri bawak kereta dengan penuh keyakinan
Going on a vacation with family
also vacations with Girlfriends (Miss them BIG time)
Mantopkan ilmu-ilmu kerohanian
WhatSoEva~ Banyak lagi rasanya perkara yang perlu dibuat (physically, mentally and also spiritually) dalam usaha improving diri to be a much better person. Moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan. Ameen~
psttt>> Semoga Allah permudahkan perjuangan terakhir esok, insyaAllah. Ameen~
May Allah Bless~
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
Its JUNE!! *Freaked out*
May everything that gonna happen this month will go smoothly.May Allah make everything ease and be in HIS Barakah no matter what.
May Allah Bless~
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sibuk kew???
Assalamualaikum wbt
Hari-hari tengok calendar.. checking when is the due date for all the reports. bila tarikh untuk present itu ini. tengok bila final exam....cuba untuk plan supaya dapat cover semuanya dalam masa yang terhad ni...
Sibuk la konon.............
tapi ruginya kalau tak perasaan yang we are entering Rejab..........
Hari-hari tengok calendar.. checking when is the due date for all the reports. bila tarikh untuk present itu ini. tengok bila final exam....cuba untuk plan supaya dapat cover semuanya dalam masa yang terhad ni...
Sibuk la konon.............
tapi ruginya kalau tak perasaan yang we are entering Rejab..........
"Ya Allah, berkatilah kami pada bulan Rejab dan bulan Sya'aban serta sampaikanlah kami ke bulan Ramadhan. Aku bermohon keampunan Allah yang maha Agung dan tiada Tuhan melainkan Dia, Yang Hidup, Yang Berdiri Sendiri dan aku bertaubat kepada-nya. Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku, tiada Tuhan yang patut disembah kecuali Engkau yang menciptakan aku. Aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kejahatan yang aku lakukan. aku mengakui atas nikmat yang engkau berikan dan mengakui segala dosa-dosaku. kerana itu, aku memohon keampunan-Mu dan sesungguhnya tiada yang dapat mengampuni dosa seseorang kecuali Engkau Ya Allah"
WhatSoEva~Semoga Allah sentiasa tetapkan hati dijalannya yang benar dan jauhkan dari hati yang leka dan lalai. Semoga dapat manfaatkn bulan-bulan yang penuh dengan ganjaran ini sebaiknya, insyaAllah.Ameen.
May Allah Bless~
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Assalamualaikum wbt
Kemuncak of the Semester dah tiba...Marathon presentation. Almost everyday ada presentation but still kaki tetap akan shaking, tangan berpeluh-peluh, jantung beating fast setiap kali nak present. =D
Reports and assignment and segala macam task memang kena hadap tiap-tiap hari. I just wish I could keep on typing while sleeping..heeee
Final exam just around the corner....persiapan tak sampai 20% pun lagi.....
Kuatlah hati...just a few more steps to go. Moga Allah beri kekuatan untuk beri yang terbaik sehingga ke akhirnya. Ameen.
May Allah Bless~
Reports and assignment and segala macam task memang kena hadap tiap-tiap hari. I just wish I could keep on typing while sleeping..heeee
Final exam just around the corner....persiapan tak sampai 20% pun lagi.....
Kuatlah hati...just a few more steps to go. Moga Allah beri kekuatan untuk beri yang terbaik sehingga ke akhirnya. Ameen.
May Allah Bless~
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
Jatuh cinta dengan nasyid dendangan UNIC ni. Best sangat dan kata-kata yang cukup bermakna untuk dihayati.
Jatuh cinta dengan nasyid dendangan UNIC ni. Best sangat dan kata-kata yang cukup bermakna untuk dihayati.
Bahagia itu dari dalam diri
Kesannya zahir rupanya maknawi
Terpendam bagai permata di dasar hati
Bahagia itu ada pada hati
Bertakhta di kerajaan diri
Terbenam bagai mutiara di lautan nurani
Bahagia itu ada di jiwa
Mahkota di singgahsana rasa
Bahagia itu adalah suatu ketenangan
Bila susah tiada gelisah
Bila miskin syukur pada Tuhan
Bila sakit tiada resah di jiwa
Bukankah Tuhan telah berfirman
Ketahuilah dengan mengingati Allah
Jiwa kan menjadi tenang
C/O :
Kebahagiaan itu suatu kesyukuran
Bila kaya jadi insan pemurah
Bila berkuasa amanah
Bila berjaya tidak alpa
Bila sihat tidak lupakan Tuhan
Hakikatnya bahagia itu
Adalah ketenangan
Bila hati mengingati Tuhan
Semua insan kan mengerti
Maksud terseni Ilahi
Itulah zikir yang hakiki
munsyid: UNIC
May Allah Bless~
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
and I am not even close to prepared
for the coming final exam
for the main part of research
for the coming Ramadhan
and for the 'day'
May Allah make everything ease
Ameen Ya Rabb
May Allah Bless~
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
I didn't went back home last week..and I end up feeling so demotivated this week...
It may not be the best place ever to be. But it will always be the place where I wanted to be.
WhatSoEva~ May our home will always be lighten with happiness and blesses from Allah.
May Allah Bless~
I didn't went back home last week..and I end up feeling so demotivated this week...
![]() |
coming soon, InsyaAllah |
It may not be the best place ever to be. But it will always be the place where I wanted to be.
WhatSoEva~ May our home will always be lighten with happiness and blesses from Allah.
May Allah Bless~
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Monday Blues~
Assalamualaikum wbt
Tomorrow is Monday..and i'm struggling to get back the 'study' mood..
So lets start by resetting the intention and berazam to work hard mentally, physically and spiritually towards achieving the higher purpose: keredhaan Ilahi =)
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....semoga Allah sentiasa besama..
May Allah Bless~
Tomorrow is Monday..and i'm struggling to get back the 'study' mood..
So lets start by resetting the intention and berazam to work hard mentally, physically and spiritually towards achieving the higher purpose: keredhaan Ilahi =)
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim....semoga Allah sentiasa besama..
May Allah Bless~
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
One week of mid semester holiday is over. Well its not exactly one week since I have to spent 2 days for study visit and a lil bit of lab work to prepare for our mini research on water.
Its already half of the semester which means that I'm already half way to finish the whole study, InsyaAllah... Time really flies kan..
WhatSoEva~ I have to say that it has been quite a tough journey. A lot of ups and down (I think down is a lot more than ups...haha...okay shuuh away all the negative thinking..huh).
Throughout my study time till now, I have always been complaining. I always think that everything is so not fair.
In the first semester, I kept on saying how unfair it is for us to be in the same class with Medical doctors. When you say medical doctors for us it means they are super clever. And of course they have much more experience since they have been working for quite a while. The lecturers kept asking us to put ourselves in the same level as them which means we have to struggle a lot and a lot to catch up with them.
This is how we feel:
And now, we have to be in the same class with medical doctors doing their PhD. How unfair is that? same class, same task, same marking...but they end up with PhD and we only get our Master.
HOWEVER, a few weeks back during a talk given by Prof. Muhaya at the Kenvensyen Bidadari Dunia she made me realize the real purpose of studying and seeking for knowledge. Tiba-tiba termuhasabah diri. How insincere I was in seeking knowledge. Asyik tak puas hati and never stop complaining. I also had to admit that the reason why I kept on complaining is because I don't trust myself. I keep on looking at these doctors as if they are so great, well they are great =D...but that doesn't mean that I am not kannnn. Work harder and smarter and pray and doa and tawakal is all that I need
So, now I have to renew my intention and try to look everything in a positive way. Tuntut ilmu biarlah kerana Allah."Have good intention and work harder" pesan Abu Productive during productive Muslim Seminar. And having to be in the same class with the PhD student isn't that bad actually. Alhamdulillah they are so nice, I really like them soooooooo much, and they taught us a lot. Sometimes kena admit that mereka ada kelebihan in certain things sebab they have a lot of experience and alhamdulillah they are so happy to share it with us. What could be greater kan. So stop complaining and be grateful. =D
WhatSoEva~ Kepada Allah saya mohon petunjuk dalam usaha menuntut ilmu. Semoga Allah sentiasa ikhlaskan hati dan permudahkan jalan. I have no idea at all whats next after my study ends however, I pray to Allah that dengan ilmu yang tak seberapa ni I could use it and spread it for the benefit of myself, and the ummah. Moga dapat menjadi bekal amal jariah yang berterusan di akhirat kelak.Ameen
"Ya Allah, jauhilah aku dari kebingungan, muliakanlah aku dengan cahaya ilmu dan pengertian, bukakanlah kepadaku makrifahMU dan mudahkanlah bagiku pintu-pintu kurniaMu . Wahai Yang Paling Pengasih di antara yang pengasih. Ameen~
pssttttt>> better start making list of things to do wahai Miss WhatSoEva.
May Allah Bless~
One week of mid semester holiday is over. Well its not exactly one week since I have to spent 2 days for study visit and a lil bit of lab work to prepare for our mini research on water.
Its already half of the semester which means that I'm already half way to finish the whole study, InsyaAllah... Time really flies kan..
WhatSoEva~ I have to say that it has been quite a tough journey. A lot of ups and down (I think down is a lot more than ups...haha...okay shuuh away all the negative thinking..huh).
Throughout my study time till now, I have always been complaining. I always think that everything is so not fair.
In the first semester, I kept on saying how unfair it is for us to be in the same class with Medical doctors. When you say medical doctors for us it means they are super clever. And of course they have much more experience since they have been working for quite a while. The lecturers kept asking us to put ourselves in the same level as them which means we have to struggle a lot and a lot to catch up with them.
This is how we feel:
![]() |
picture source: Mr Google |
And now, we have to be in the same class with medical doctors doing their PhD. How unfair is that? same class, same task, same marking...but they end up with PhD and we only get our Master.
HOWEVER, a few weeks back during a talk given by Prof. Muhaya at the Kenvensyen Bidadari Dunia she made me realize the real purpose of studying and seeking for knowledge. Tiba-tiba termuhasabah diri. How insincere I was in seeking knowledge. Asyik tak puas hati and never stop complaining. I also had to admit that the reason why I kept on complaining is because I don't trust myself. I keep on looking at these doctors as if they are so great, well they are great =D...but that doesn't mean that I am not kannnn. Work harder and smarter and pray and doa and tawakal is all that I need
So, now I have to renew my intention and try to look everything in a positive way. Tuntut ilmu biarlah kerana Allah."Have good intention and work harder" pesan Abu Productive during productive Muslim Seminar. And having to be in the same class with the PhD student isn't that bad actually. Alhamdulillah they are so nice, I really like them soooooooo much, and they taught us a lot. Sometimes kena admit that mereka ada kelebihan in certain things sebab they have a lot of experience and alhamdulillah they are so happy to share it with us. What could be greater kan. So stop complaining and be grateful. =D
WhatSoEva~ Kepada Allah saya mohon petunjuk dalam usaha menuntut ilmu. Semoga Allah sentiasa ikhlaskan hati dan permudahkan jalan. I have no idea at all whats next after my study ends however, I pray to Allah that dengan ilmu yang tak seberapa ni I could use it and spread it for the benefit of myself, and the ummah. Moga dapat menjadi bekal amal jariah yang berterusan di akhirat kelak.Ameen
"Ya Allah, jauhilah aku dari kebingungan, muliakanlah aku dengan cahaya ilmu dan pengertian, bukakanlah kepadaku makrifahMU dan mudahkanlah bagiku pintu-pintu kurniaMu . Wahai Yang Paling Pengasih di antara yang pengasih. Ameen~
pssttttt>> better start making list of things to do wahai Miss WhatSoEva.
May Allah Bless~
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt...
Alhamdulillah. thanks to Allah atas segala nikmat yang dikurniakan.Walau perjalanan hidup sehingga kini tidak lah seindah yang diangan-angankan, but without the past tak mungkin ad yang kini. Thank you Allah for the past. Semoga sisa hidup yang berbaki akan menjadi lebih baik berbanding yang lalu. Allah knows best. PerancanganNya lebih sempurna.
A lot has definitely change. May it be a change to something much better according to Allah. Still, masih banyak yang perlu diubah dan diperbaiki.. Moga Allah tetapkan hati dijalanNya, InsyaAllah.
Kalau nak list out keinginan, harapan, azam dan doa.memang tak akan mampu. sebab most of it are unexplainable. So, better tulis dalam hati, Allah lebih memahami =)
WhatSoEva~ rasa gembira hari ni. even though today was quite a mess with so many things need to be done dan tak ada jugak sambutan yang meriah dengan kek secret recipe blueberry cheese cake. namun nasi goreng ayam di gerai santai bersama umi abi as a birthday treat, ucapan dan doa dari adik beradik, doas and wishes through sms, emails and fb from family serta kawan lama dan baru, jauh dan dekat and also sembang-sembang on phone dengan mereka yang jarang dapat bersua..... lebih bermakna. I feel blessed. Thank you Allah for everything. Thanks everyone. =)
May Allah Bless~
Alhamdulillah. thanks to Allah atas segala nikmat yang dikurniakan.Walau perjalanan hidup sehingga kini tidak lah seindah yang diangan-angankan, but without the past tak mungkin ad yang kini. Thank you Allah for the past. Semoga sisa hidup yang berbaki akan menjadi lebih baik berbanding yang lalu. Allah knows best. PerancanganNya lebih sempurna.
A lot has definitely change. May it be a change to something much better according to Allah. Still, masih banyak yang perlu diubah dan diperbaiki.. Moga Allah tetapkan hati dijalanNya, InsyaAllah.
Kalau nak list out keinginan, harapan, azam dan doa.memang tak akan mampu. sebab most of it are unexplainable. So, better tulis dalam hati, Allah lebih memahami =)
WhatSoEva~ rasa gembira hari ni. even though today was quite a mess with so many things need to be done dan tak ada jugak sambutan yang meriah dengan kek secret recipe blueberry cheese cake. namun nasi goreng ayam di gerai santai bersama umi abi as a birthday treat, ucapan dan doa dari adik beradik, doas and wishes through sms, emails and fb from family serta kawan lama dan baru, jauh dan dekat and also sembang-sembang on phone dengan mereka yang jarang dapat bersua..... lebih bermakna. I feel blessed. Thank you Allah for everything. Thanks everyone. =)
May Allah Bless~
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Its not just about LOVE~
Assalamualaikum wbt
A friend shared this video on fb and it was kind of made me terkedu kejap.
The checklist yang made me tersandar ke belakang kejap. macam banyak lagi yang tak boleh boleh di 'check' kn lagi je ( the memasak part I was like errrrrrrrr..=D)..
WhatSoEva~ i'm struggling towards checking all of it insyaAllah, BERUSAHA!!!!To Allah I seek for guidance and help. Semoga Allah lorongkan ke jalan yang membawa kepada keredhaannya. Terlalu banyak kekurangan diri... hmmmm... Mari berusaha to be a much better muslim. Hoyeaahhh!!!!
And anyway,you don't have to be like doing all this checklist when you're gonna enter a marriage life soon or whatsoeva. this is suppose to be a lifetime checklist right. Kena sentiasa usaha towards completing the checklist tak kira bila. But if you have this checklist checked before marriage I believe that the purpose of marriage according to Islam is much easier to achieve. And of course barula boleh terbina baitulmuslim mawaddah wa sakinah =).. macam stated dalam the video:marriage is not about love its about making ummah, so we have to be prepared. Tapi macam kurang setuju with the part 'marriage is not about love'. For me 'marriage is not JUST about love'. you have to have love right: Love for Allah and Rasul, Love for your family Love for your friends and for everyone baru la ada Ummah yang penyayang gitu =D
WhatSoEva lg~ Please make doa for me everyone. And jom usaha untuk lengkapkan our checklist =)
pssstttt.... Barakallahulakuma...tahniah buat semua sahabat yang baru melangkah ke alam perkahwinan. ramai betul yang langsungkan perkahwinan kebelakangan ni. Alhamdulillah, happy for u guys dan so sorry sebab tak dapat attend the jemputan. and also Sanah helwah buat semua yang menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran. Semoga pertambahan umur membawa kita lebih dekat kepada Allah.
May Allah Bless~
A friend shared this video on fb and it was kind of made me terkedu kejap.
The checklist yang made me tersandar ke belakang kejap. macam banyak lagi yang tak boleh boleh di 'check' kn lagi je ( the memasak part I was like errrrrrrrr..=D)..
WhatSoEva~ i'm struggling towards checking all of it insyaAllah, BERUSAHA!!!!To Allah I seek for guidance and help. Semoga Allah lorongkan ke jalan yang membawa kepada keredhaannya. Terlalu banyak kekurangan diri... hmmmm... Mari berusaha to be a much better muslim. Hoyeaahhh!!!!
And anyway,you don't have to be like doing all this checklist when you're gonna enter a marriage life soon or whatsoeva. this is suppose to be a lifetime checklist right. Kena sentiasa usaha towards completing the checklist tak kira bila. But if you have this checklist checked before marriage I believe that the purpose of marriage according to Islam is much easier to achieve. And of course barula boleh terbina baitulmuslim mawaddah wa sakinah =).. macam stated dalam the video:marriage is not about love its about making ummah, so we have to be prepared. Tapi macam kurang setuju with the part 'marriage is not about love'. For me 'marriage is not JUST about love'. you have to have love right: Love for Allah and Rasul, Love for your family Love for your friends and for everyone baru la ada Ummah yang penyayang gitu =D
WhatSoEva lg~ Please make doa for me everyone. And jom usaha untuk lengkapkan our checklist =)
pssstttt.... Barakallahulakuma...tahniah buat semua sahabat yang baru melangkah ke alam perkahwinan. ramai betul yang langsungkan perkahwinan kebelakangan ni. Alhamdulillah, happy for u guys dan so sorry sebab tak dapat attend the jemputan. and also Sanah helwah buat semua yang menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran. Semoga pertambahan umur membawa kita lebih dekat kepada Allah.
May Allah Bless~
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Journey~
Assalamualaikum wbt..
Teringat saat-saat menjejakkan kaki buat pertama kalinya ke dewan kuliah dalam semester lepas. There were so many happy faces showing how confident they are. Seeing them, I keep asking myself : " do I deserve to be here with all these people". And that question actually never stop wondering in my head until now.
WhatSoEva~ Alhamdulillah. Semester satu dah pun berlalu.
The beginning of this new semester was quite different. The atmophere has totally changed. The expression of each and every person was so different. Masih tersenyum. tapi ternyata disebalik senyuman tersimpan satu perasaan that are unexplainable by words. Hanya yang melaluinya akan memahami. tergambar wajah-wajah kepuraan. Berpura-pura kuat sedangkan menangis di dalam.
Pssstt> Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan, InsyaAllah ;)
May Allah Bless~
Teringat saat-saat menjejakkan kaki buat pertama kalinya ke dewan kuliah dalam semester lepas. There were so many happy faces showing how confident they are. Seeing them, I keep asking myself : " do I deserve to be here with all these people". And that question actually never stop wondering in my head until now.
WhatSoEva~ Alhamdulillah. Semester satu dah pun berlalu.
The beginning of this new semester was quite different. The atmophere has totally changed. The expression of each and every person was so different. Masih tersenyum. tapi ternyata disebalik senyuman tersimpan satu perasaan that are unexplainable by words. Hanya yang melaluinya akan memahami. tergambar wajah-wajah kepuraan. Berpura-pura kuat sedangkan menangis di dalam.
Dear friends,
This really is a tough journey. But let us be strong until the end. InsyaAllah Allah will always be with us.May Allah make everything ease for us. Ameen.
Pssstt> Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan, InsyaAllah ;)
May Allah Bless~
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
The smell of nature is calling!! I just wish that right this moment I could be somewhere that has a very nice nature scenery instead of this cutie room with walls painted in blue and pink.
WhatSoEva~ Maha Suci Allah yang meciptakan langit dan bumi dan segala isinya. Tiada tandingan kekuasaanNya. Jadikan kami hamba-hamba yang sentiasa mengingatiMU. Ameen~
WhatSoEva lg~ buat Miss WhatSoEva: Sila fokus!!! Time fliesss. semoga tidak tergolong dalam orang-orang yang rugi. Ameen~
pssstttt>> kat netherlands banyak tulips kan???
picture source: google
May Allah Bless~
The smell of nature is calling!! I just wish that right this moment I could be somewhere that has a very nice nature scenery instead of this cutie room with walls painted in blue and pink.
WhatSoEva~ Maha Suci Allah yang meciptakan langit dan bumi dan segala isinya. Tiada tandingan kekuasaanNya. Jadikan kami hamba-hamba yang sentiasa mengingatiMU. Ameen~
WhatSoEva lg~ buat Miss WhatSoEva: Sila fokus!!! Time fliesss. semoga tidak tergolong dalam orang-orang yang rugi. Ameen~
pssstttt>> kat netherlands banyak tulips kan???
picture source: google
May Allah Bless~
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
Ketika aku marah
Mampukah aku menjadi seperti Khadijah.?
Agung cintanya pada Allah dan Rasulullah
Hartanya diperjuangkan ke jalan Fisabilillah
Penawar hati kekasih Allah
Susah senang rela bersama
Dapatkah kudidik jiwa seperti Aishah.?
Isteri Rasulullah yang bijaksana
Pendorong tatkala kesusahan dan penderitaan
Tiada sukar untuk dilaksanakan
Lantaran keikhlasan yang sentiasa bersarang
Mengalir air mataku
Melihat pengorbanan puteri solehah Fatimah
Akur dalam setiap perintah
Taat dengan ayahandanya yang sentiasa berjuang
Tiada sebarang harta dunia
Layaklah dia penghulu wanita syurga
Ketika aku marah
Ingin kuintip serpihan sabar
Dari catatan hidup Siti Sarah
Mampukah aku menjadi wanita solehah seperti mereka.?
Mati dalam keunggulan iman
Bersinar indah, harum tersebar
Bagai wanginya pusara Masyitah..
credit to: farah lee's blog
May Allah Bless~
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Assalamualaikum wbt
WhatSoEva~ Jom cuba istiqamahkan diri untuk cuba Khusuk dalam Solat dan menutup aurat dengan sempurna. Semoga tergolong dalam hamba-hamba yang dikasihiNYA. Obviously its a reminder to me... so, BERUSAHA!! semoga Allah membantu. Ameen~
pssstt>> This new experience really taught me a lot about life. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dan sentiasa jadikan kita lebih dekat padaNya.
Changing is tough.
But to be istiqamah with the changes is TOUGHER!
" Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus. Iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Engkau beri nikmat kepadanya, bukan jalan mereka yang dimurkai, dan bukan pula jalan mereka yang sesat" (Al-Fatihah: 6 & 7)
WhatSoEva~ Jom cuba istiqamahkan diri untuk cuba Khusuk dalam Solat dan menutup aurat dengan sempurna. Semoga tergolong dalam hamba-hamba yang dikasihiNYA. Obviously its a reminder to me... so, BERUSAHA!! semoga Allah membantu. Ameen~
pssstt>> This new experience really taught me a lot about life. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan dan sentiasa jadikan kita lebih dekat padaNya.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Doa tahun baru masihi
Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang.
2011 berlalu pergi...
satu tahun yang cukup penuh dengan pelbagai onak dan duri, liku-liku yang perlu ditempuhi
yang pasti terlalu banyak perkara yang dipelajari
Semoga Allah jadikan tahun 2012 lebih baik berbanding tahun-tahun yang lalu
lebih baik pada pandanganNYA
Lebih baik bagi ku, bagi Islam agamaku, bagi negara dan bangsa ku bagi keluargaku, bagi sahabat-sahabatku dan bagi seluruh Muslimin diserata dunia
Semoga Allah bukakan lorong-lorong
agar diri menjadi hamba yang lebih dekat padaNya
dan tutpkan lorong-lorong
yang boleh mendorong ke jalan yang jauh dariNYa.. Nauzubillah
Janganlah dipesongkan hati ini walau sekadar sekerdipan mata.
Ya Rabb~
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