Assalamualaikum wbt
One week of mid semester holiday is over. Well its not exactly one week since I have to spent 2 days for study visit and a lil bit of lab work to prepare for our mini research on water.
Its already half of the semester which means that I'm already half way to finish the whole study, InsyaAllah... Time really flies kan..
WhatSoEva~ I have to say that it has been quite a tough journey. A lot of ups and down (I think down is a lot more than ups...haha...okay shuuh away all the negative thinking..huh).
Throughout my study time till now, I have always been complaining. I always think that everything is so not fair.
In the first semester, I kept on saying how unfair it is for us to be in the same class with Medical doctors. When you say medical doctors for us it means they are super clever. And of course they have much more experience since they have been working for quite a while. The lecturers kept asking us to put ourselves in the same level as them which means we have to struggle a lot and a lot to catch up with them.
This is how we feel:
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picture source: Mr Google |
And now, we have to be in the same class with medical doctors doing their PhD. How unfair is that? same class, same task, same marking...but they end up with PhD and we only get our Master.
HOWEVER, a few weeks back during a talk given by Prof. Muhaya at the Kenvensyen Bidadari Dunia she made me realize the real purpose of studying and seeking for knowledge. Tiba-tiba termuhasabah diri. How insincere I was in seeking knowledge. Asyik tak puas hati and never stop complaining. I also had to admit that the reason why I kept on complaining is because I don't trust myself. I keep on looking at these doctors as if they are so great, well they are great =D...but that doesn't mean that I am not kannnn. Work harder and smarter and pray and doa and tawakal is all that I need
So, now I have to renew my intention and try to look everything in a positive way. Tuntut ilmu biarlah kerana Allah."Have good intention and work harder" pesan Abu Productive during productive Muslim Seminar. And having to be in the same class with the PhD student isn't that bad actually. Alhamdulillah they are so nice, I really like them soooooooo much, and they taught us a lot. Sometimes kena admit that mereka ada kelebihan in certain things sebab they have a lot of experience and alhamdulillah they are so happy to share it with us. What could be greater kan. So stop complaining and be grateful. =D
WhatSoEva~ Kepada Allah saya mohon petunjuk dalam usaha menuntut ilmu. Semoga Allah sentiasa ikhlaskan hati dan permudahkan jalan. I have no idea at all whats next after my study ends however, I pray to Allah that dengan ilmu yang tak seberapa ni I could use it and spread it for the benefit of myself, and the ummah. Moga dapat menjadi bekal amal jariah yang berterusan di akhirat kelak.Ameen
"Ya Allah, jauhilah aku dari kebingungan, muliakanlah aku dengan cahaya ilmu dan pengertian, bukakanlah kepadaku makrifahMU dan mudahkanlah bagiku pintu-pintu kurniaMu . Wahai Yang Paling Pengasih di antara yang pengasih. Ameen~
pssttttt>> better start making list of things to do wahai Miss WhatSoEva.
May Allah Bless~