"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah , dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamu orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman"[Al-Imran:139]

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bukit Broga


Akhirnya tertunai jugak hasrat yang dh lme tersimpan untuk menjejakkan kaki to this place 'Bukit Broga'. Thanks to En Engku Azman kerana membuat hasrat saya menjadi kenyataan..heee

the plan to go there early in the morning terpaksa ditunda kepada petang atas sebab-sebab yang xdpt dielakkan. so,kami bertolak from our home at 3.30pm lbh kurang. n mereka-mereka yang turut serta is my big sis; along n my brother aiman. since aiman has already been there before, and its the 1st for me,along n abi, aiman had to be our guide la kn..heee. memandangkn dh lme xwat keje-keje outdoor ni, mmg agak kepenatan la kn...tp kami keep on going. 

until sampai part nak kne mendaki bukit yang a bit curam tu, I almost surrender kepada kegayatan...heee ...sangat gayat taw for someone yang afraid of height since kecik mcm sy..sbbnyer it was curam and sangat lapang that you could see  the view and agak tinggi...huuu.. tapi Mr guide, Aiman keep pushing so I keep on going. Maka, sampai la saya...ke puncak pertama jerrr...haha. 

since masa yg dah agak lewat, it was almost maghrib, so we decided utk head down blk..takut nnti gelap plak, n we didnt prepare anything utk keadaan gelap. trekking down isn't so hard as naik la..except 4 tht steep bukit la, I didnt even dare to stand up utk turun that bukit..abi said 'angah...u should stand up and enjoy the view'..huuu.nway, heading down lbh byk kne gne skill menggunakan kaki untuk break....and..YEAA...dh smpai kaki bukit...Alhamdulillah semua selamat

untuk ke bukit broga dh tercapai...cme xberjaya tiba ke puncak terakhir je...

InsyaAllah, bila ad peluang we gonna go back there. next time kne plan n prepare btol-btol br la dapat menikmati the aktiviti n of course dpt enjoy the view u'll get up there. n get better pictures of the view la...aritu xsmpat nk snap byk sgt pix.huuu... n next time until the top and that gayat wont even scares me..hua3..InsyaAllah.

whatsoeva....sangat best this trip...different....sbbnyer dlu2 time naik gunung xpenah terfikir pn akan gayat during your hiking sbb before this bila mendaki i was surrounded by hutan yang tebal,pokok-pokok,akar-akar..... so you wouldnt notice how high you r until you reach the top...tp at Broga totally different sbb sangat lapang...heee....tp what makes this trip even more special is sbb i get to do it with my family....slalunyer buat aktiviti outdoor with friends tp doing it with family makes the activity even better....we should do it more often...

To Bukit Broga: nanti kan kehadiran kami yang seterusnya  yer.... :)

May Allah Bless~

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