After almost two month in this weirdo place:
- I dislike monday and I am overjoy when its friday. But weekend won't be a santai-santai day anymore.
- Lab coat is an 'official' attire to most people here. Persekitaran memang tak memberangsangkan because the whole time you have to see kelibat putih di mana-mana.
-The most frequent sentence heard: " you are no longer an undergraduate student, we expect more from you!!!!"
- I thought spending more than half of da day, EVERYDAY in a medical centre would inspired me to put on a balance diet. But instead, I ate more than eva and most of it are unhealthy.
-Rasa sangat bersyukur for all the nikmat that Allah has gave me for I have seen quite a lot of people yang kurang bernasib baik dan diberi ujian oleh Allah. Semoga Allah berikan kekuatan dalam menghadapi setiap dugaan.
- Being stressed and tense is part of my new life.
- I met new friends. Alhamdulillah everyone is nice and helpful although I do need some times to get along with all the doctors.heee
- I can't believe I end up spending most of my time in a hospital (I hate hospital..makan obat pon tak pandai lagi...heee)
- I suck in biology back in school and now medical term is part of my vocab... and now... I'm enjoying learning about health which turns out to be really interesting to learn deeper (still...... I am so afraid of exams and presentations with so many 'hebat' people....=( )
- Saya rasa saya lebih berdikari....weeeee... (I used to have friends that I always depends on in everything, all sort of things...miss them!!)
WhatSoEVa~ It really is tough. It has only been two month and I already end up crying alone before sleeping..haha..However, thank you Allah for everything...for giving me the opportunity untuk belajar and experiencing this part of life. Thanks for all strengths that Allah pinjamkan to me to face all the challenges and to keep going until now. Terima kasih also to all that keep giving supports: Family and friends. Please keep make doas for me yer.
WhatSoEva lg~ Gonna try taking everything as a challenge and trusting myself. Semoga Allah membantu.Ameen~
"O Allah! Make easy for me every difficult thing, with Your special favour and Kindness, for it is easy for You to make every difficult thing easy" Ameen~
psssttt>> Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan jika ia membawa keredhaan dan keberkatanNYA.Ameen. Hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui apa yang terbaik bagi hambaNya.
May Allah Bless~
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