Assalamualaikum wbt...
Life is quite a mess lately.. it have been so stressful and hectic...
But still.. I thank Allah for everything.... I learn so much throughout this phase of life..
Alhamdulillah also that although everything seems so hard and tough i managed to go through it until now. Thank You Allah for everything.
(mode: trying not to complain too much)
I must work hard! much harder. hope not to let umi and abi down after they have done so much sacrifices and giving me supports. I am so glad and thankful to Allah that I am gifted with lovable family who will always be there whenever I need them.
"Ya Allah Yang Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang. Berkatilah keluargaku. Sinarilah kami dengan kebahagiaan. Satukan lah hati-hati kami di bawah keimanan kepadaMu hingga ke syurga. Cantikkan la akhlak dan pekerti kami dan kurniakanlah kami kebahagiaan dan kejayaan di dunia juga di akhirat. Jadikanlah kami adik beradik, anak-anak yang soleh penyejuk mata ibu bapa kami." Ameen~
WhatSoEva~ Mari berusaha brothers and sista in whatever we do. Lets do our best. Good Luck Along, Man, Jat, Anan, Alin n Ocek. Saya sayang kamu semua. Although I always fail in expressing love.. heee..Doakan that I will be a much better sista. :D
Pssttt>> hope abi akan pegi outstation selepas I finished my exam. A vacation would be really nice after struggling. but be sure you struggle first la cik syud oi!!!
May Allah Bless~
1 comment:
Kalau Abi outstation, unless u have planned something, then it won't be much of a vacation. But I told Abi about our plan. Abi cakap kita set tarikh maybe masa cuti raya cina, then kita pergi memana :D
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