Assalamualaikum and Hye everyone
So, its been almost a year since I started my own Business Online (its @bysyuhadahengku in instagram :D). Tak pernah terlintas langsung difikiran that someday ill be in this field, walaupon masih secara kecil-kecilan for now (doakan its going well dan makin berkembang please) . I was always a buyer back then..heee so being a seller myself, never crosses my mind. I dont have many good friends, I am not good at communicating with people so doing business is definitely out of my comfort zone. But I guess when yore desperate we just gotta do it. And yes I planned but Allah's Plan is always the best.
Ada banyak sebab why I started this business online. Sebab utamanya bukan untuk ada pendapatan sendiri. Well, yes for someone who doesnt really know how to ask for money unless its super important, having my own money is quite helpful but on top of that I just wanted to get connected with other people, have something to do, have some achievement....
Okay macam dah jauh terpesong dari main topic je kan. Mari kembali ke pangkal jalan..hehe
Doing business online, my main medium untuk berjual beli ( Im a dropshipper) of course adalah Social Media which makes me have to be with the phone a lot. Tapi at the same time, dari mula Hanan lahir ive been trying to not use the phone bila ada dengan Hanan. But the thing is Hanan is with me like all the time. Bila Hanan tidur I was rushing to do the cooking so I end up curi-curi tengok fon. Penat tau updating and replying message customer curi-curi ni, I couldnt think properly and it makes my brain macam penat sangat...haha. I also notice that I couldnt really focus on Hanan bila main and talking to her. My mind macam spliting macamtu. Sambil main nak kena fikir message customer. I also end up using the fon lebih kerap waktu malam. dan makin lama I started to use the phone lebih kerap depan Hanan to update my post and reply all the messages. This makes me feel super bad. I've been trying to do a time table to manage my time playing with hanan and doing my business tapi its tough..huhuh...
Lately I havent been feeling quite well too. I easily get headache. My eyes, my head feels so tired but my body isnt. I couldnt focus on things that I do and I sort of have anxiety and I couldnt sleep well. Dan semua ni tentunya akan beri kesan pada Hanan. How can a tired, not feeling well and emosi tak stabil mom jaga, treat, communicate and play with her daughter well.
We have decided to send Hanan to pre school next year just to let her mix around with kids her age. So ada around sebulan macamtu je lagi I will be having her full-time. I really wanted to focus on her and give my very best. So I needed to be fit, healthy and happy as I can be. So I have decided that I need some break from my phone.
Ok kalau meluah perasaan tentang ni, bad feeling the good feeling memang akan panjang. So im going to keep it short and write another post tentang perasaan tu :D
So.....what I really hope that I can do during this Phone Break is
1. Improve my ibadah, perhangat my hafazan
2.I wanted to read a lot (books on parenting, business, novels)
3. kalau ada peluang, I wanted to join seminar on business
4. Write
5. Menjahit ( at least dapat siapkan baju hanan dan baju abah)
7. Transfer segala gambar dalam fon, siapakn my photobook, print pictures dari gambar kahwin sampai sekarang
8. Do some maths
9. a well plan and fun activity with Hanan
Its actually part of the process to discipline myself. You know how social media and phones can really make you waste your time and be less productive (walaupon it started with nak promote product). so this is a must walaupon it means that I will be losing a lot of customers, dicampak ke group cengkerik sebab tak ada sale. insyaAllah hoping to come back dengan lebih sihat, cergas dan berdisipin. Moga Allah bantu.
ok so till then, insyaAllah
May Allah Bless~
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah , dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamu orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman"[Al-Imran:139]
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
A post a year?
OMG my previous post was 1 year apart from the post before..haha. is this going to be one year one post? no no please dont. I wanted to write soooo many things here especially all the updates on Hanan.And I also need to write more often to get my brain moving and improving my wriitng skill
However lets just do some updates here
Well, Hanan is currently 2 years and 10 month old. She will be 3 this Christmas. How time flies kan. Still the only child, ibu havent conceived yet. Still trying but its okay lets just cherish every single moment dengan Hanan, insyaAllah.
Instead of doing my full time job, jaga Hanan I am currently doing some business online too, alhamdulillah. Just some dropshipping for now to get to know this business world. Alhamdulillah I love that I have something that I get to do, gain a little of my own money and get connected to others (walaupon dalam alam maya je kan :D). Tapi I am struggling with time management sebab Hanan wanted my attention all the time and I always feel bad kalau kena pegang fon depan Hanan. But ibu cuba take that as a challenge and try to manage my time well. Apa-apa pon Hanan emotion and physically needs always my priority insyaAllah.
Been doing some Play and Learn activity with Hanan to keep her occupied all day long dekat rumah which I wanted to jot all of it here tapi tak dan lagi. hopefully I'll be able to write it down as soon as possible risau takut jadi macam all those first step, first teeth and any other moment with Hanan
Okay, till then, insyaAllah
May Allah Bless~
OMG my previous post was 1 year apart from the post before..haha. is this going to be one year one post? no no please dont. I wanted to write soooo many things here especially all the updates on Hanan.And I also need to write more often to get my brain moving and improving my wriitng skill
However lets just do some updates here
Well, Hanan is currently 2 years and 10 month old. She will be 3 this Christmas. How time flies kan. Still the only child, ibu havent conceived yet. Still trying but its okay lets just cherish every single moment dengan Hanan, insyaAllah.
Instead of doing my full time job, jaga Hanan I am currently doing some business online too, alhamdulillah. Just some dropshipping for now to get to know this business world. Alhamdulillah I love that I have something that I get to do, gain a little of my own money and get connected to others (walaupon dalam alam maya je kan :D). Tapi I am struggling with time management sebab Hanan wanted my attention all the time and I always feel bad kalau kena pegang fon depan Hanan. But ibu cuba take that as a challenge and try to manage my time well. Apa-apa pon Hanan emotion and physically needs always my priority insyaAllah.
Been doing some Play and Learn activity with Hanan to keep her occupied all day long dekat rumah which I wanted to jot all of it here tapi tak dan lagi. hopefully I'll be able to write it down as soon as possible risau takut jadi macam all those first step, first teeth and any other moment with Hanan
Okay, till then, insyaAllah
May Allah Bless~
Excellence begins at home
So, on cuti Maulidurrasul baru-baru ni ibu, abah and Hanan berkesempatan join a short parenting talk by Puan Noor Hayati Abdul Hamid, pengassas Naluri Kreatif. Ibu memang selalu look forward to parenting workshop or talk. Kalau ada rezeki, I would love to join.
Instead of gaining new knowledge on parenting, sebenarnya kenapa ibu memang suka sangat join a parenting talk is because I get the energy and macam recharging my parenting mood. I do have days that I feel so down. So bila sekali sekala surrounded by energy the speaker sendiri, lepastu the participant yang sama-sama trying to be a much better parent ibu rasa semangat la sikit.
Anyway, talk yang ibu join ni was on excellence begins at home and it was a very short session. Memang I wish I could learn more from the speaker but still alhamdulillah it was a great opportunity. The main concern of the speaker sebenarnya kenapa peranan parents dekat rumah is so important (no matter how good the school you send the kids to, you're working or stay at home) is because mental health issues in our citizen semakin meningkat starting at a very young age. This is a very serious issue sebab these kids are going to be the leader of our country, nation, religion in the future. How can a leader lead well with mental health problem
This is actually a very challenging task untuk parents nowadays sebab most of us are tired, stress, emosi tak stabil, sibuk so somehow our reaction and attention tend to hurt these kids feeling yang so fragile which may lead to mental health issues.
But somehow we need to manage that. Manage our stress. Take a me time, deligate house work with our partner, manage kerja kita dengan baik or whatever we need untuk pastikan emosi kita stabil so that we can communicate well dengan anak-anak.
So ibu, please manage that emosi tak stabil segala. Hanan is very sensitive, curious and observant little girl. May Allah guide and help ibu and abah to manage our own emotion, make us happy so that we cam give the best to our Lil Hanan, insyaAllah.
Ok, Till Then, insyaAllah
May Allah Bless~
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