So, on cuti Maulidurrasul baru-baru ni ibu, abah and Hanan berkesempatan join a short parenting talk by Puan Noor Hayati Abdul Hamid, pengassas Naluri Kreatif. Ibu memang selalu look forward to parenting workshop or talk. Kalau ada rezeki, I would love to join.
Instead of gaining new knowledge on parenting, sebenarnya kenapa ibu memang suka sangat join a parenting talk is because I get the energy and macam recharging my parenting mood. I do have days that I feel so down. So bila sekali sekala surrounded by energy the speaker sendiri, lepastu the participant yang sama-sama trying to be a much better parent ibu rasa semangat la sikit.
Anyway, talk yang ibu join ni was on excellence begins at home and it was a very short session. Memang I wish I could learn more from the speaker but still alhamdulillah it was a great opportunity. The main concern of the speaker sebenarnya kenapa peranan parents dekat rumah is so important (no matter how good the school you send the kids to, you're working or stay at home) is because mental health issues in our citizen semakin meningkat starting at a very young age. This is a very serious issue sebab these kids are going to be the leader of our country, nation, religion in the future. How can a leader lead well with mental health problem
This is actually a very challenging task untuk parents nowadays sebab most of us are tired, stress, emosi tak stabil, sibuk so somehow our reaction and attention tend to hurt these kids feeling yang so fragile which may lead to mental health issues.
But somehow we need to manage that. Manage our stress. Take a me time, deligate house work with our partner, manage kerja kita dengan baik or whatever we need untuk pastikan emosi kita stabil so that we can communicate well dengan anak-anak.
So ibu, please manage that emosi tak stabil segala. Hanan is very sensitive, curious and observant little girl. May Allah guide and help ibu and abah to manage our own emotion, make us happy so that we cam give the best to our Lil Hanan, insyaAllah.
Ok, Till Then, insyaAllah
May Allah Bless~
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