"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah , dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamu orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman"[Al-Imran:139]

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A post a year?


OMG my previous post was 1 year apart from the post before..haha. is this going to be one year one post? no no please dont. I wanted to write soooo many things here especially all the updates on Hanan.And I also need to write more often to get my brain moving and improving my wriitng skill

However lets just do some updates here

Well, Hanan is currently 2 years and 10 month old. She will be 3 this Christmas. How time flies kan. Still the only child, ibu havent conceived yet. Still trying but its okay lets just cherish every single moment dengan Hanan, insyaAllah.

Instead of doing my full time job, jaga Hanan I am currently doing some business online too, alhamdulillah. Just some dropshipping for now to get to know this business world. Alhamdulillah I love that I have something that I get to do, gain a little of my own money and get connected to others (walaupon dalam alam maya je kan :D). Tapi I am struggling with time management sebab Hanan wanted my attention all the time and I always feel bad kalau kena pegang fon depan Hanan. But ibu cuba take that as a challenge and try to manage my time well. Apa-apa pon Hanan emotion and physically needs always my priority insyaAllah.

Been doing some Play and Learn activity with Hanan to keep her occupied all day long dekat rumah which I wanted to jot all of it here tapi tak dan lagi. hopefully I'll be able to write it down as soon as possible risau takut jadi macam all those first step, first teeth and any other moment with Hanan

Okay, till then, insyaAllah

May Allah Bless~

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